Thursday, July 2, 2009

"Mob the Quab" is once again on the 2009 IMBCS XC race schedule...

Just an early shout out to all MOBsters to make sure you put August 9th on your calendars for the Lake Ahquabi "Mob the Quab!" XC race. It is the IMBCS #7 XC race for the 2009 season.

This year will run a lot smoother than last year (which went pretty well as it was) because I have learned from the experience. The trail is in good shape. I am posting this a month early in hopes of getting some volunteers to help out with the actual race. And to get interest from other MOB racers to come out and race. I haven't seen too many MOBsters out this season at other mountain biking events. It would be nice to get a few more out there.

The start/finish line will be different this year (and easier) as it will be a mass start for all groups and the final climb to the finish line will give those doing the timing plenty of time to see number plates and enter the information. I will not mark the course in such an anal fashion as last year to save on set up and take down time. We'll cut back on the food and drink a bit to keep it all simple and easy. I'll come up with something, but last year's spread was overkill.

Here's the website of the race with all of the details. Let me know if you would be willing to volunteer on some level. Timers, course marshals, registration, clean-up crew, etc... are up for grabs. My wife and kids (and a couple of their friends) will make up the core of the volunteer base.

I'm off to the WORS race in Chippewa Falls this weekend. After a late start to my training and the XC race season, I am finally feeling like I am in form for racing. I raced my first ever Minnesota Off Road Series last weekend at Mt. Kato outside of Mankato, MN. It was a beautiful course and perfect weather (80 degrees and low humidity with a nice cool breeze). It was tough with 130 sport racers to jockey for position on the starting line with all of the call ups (top 5 in every age group got to go to the front), but I really enjoyed the course and the competition.

I haven't posted any race reports this year, but so far this season:

Bone Bender 3 Hour - 4/18 [DNF due to mud]
IMBCS #3 - 5/31 Banner Lakes [DNF tubeless valve broke]
IMBCS #4 - 6/7 Morehead Pioneer Park [6th Place CAT 2 Open]
Psycowpath #5 - 6/20 Ponca's Revenge [14th Place CAT 2 Open]
MNSCS #4 - 6/28 Bluff Riders Charge [56th Place CAT 2 Overall (130 racers!!!); 9th Place CAT 2 45-49]

At Mt. Kato last Sunday's race...



Bluff Riders Charge at Mt. Kato


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