Tuesday, February 10, 2009

fender season...

is most definitely the best time of year.  breaking out the fenders means that you're riding in water, mud, salt and sand.  which means you are NOT riding on snow, ice, salt and sand.  fender season usually visits us in march, but i'll take these past few days of february bliss.  even if it's gonna be nasty again soon, the sneak peak of fender season we have been experiencing is a welcome reprieve from the running, snowshoeing and pugsley riding routine of the past 90+ days.  it's funny how, when it's 45 degrees in february, it feels like a day of RAGBRAI.  when it's 55 degrees in february it feels like racing at 7 oaks in august?  

i hope you all made the most of the best time of the year?  and if not, it will be back. hopefully sooner than later........


Paul Varnum said...

Its funny. I actually prefer riding on a sunny, calm, 15 degree day, to a 40 degree day, because I'm not a big fan of slop.

I should prolly get some fenders. Do they really help?

robvrstgh said...

they are a saving grace. dry feet, dry back, dry face, clear glasses. if you try 'em, you'll wonder how you ever lived without them.

Paul Varnum said...

I'll have to give em a try. I've got one of those seat post clamp jobs that helps some, but its the front tire spraying all that crap on the drive train that bugs me.

I'm funny about my drive train.